2 min read

Harnessing the Power of Being "Patiently Impatient" in the Workplace

Harnessing the Power of Being "Patiently Impatient" in the Workplace

In a world that demands instant gratification and quick results, it's easy to lose sight of the age-old adage, "Rome wasn't built in a day." In my professional journey, I've realized the importance of being both patient and impatient. This seemingly contradictory mindset - being "patiently impatient" - has been the cornerstone of my contributions and successes. Let's dive into what this means and how it can reshape our perspective on work and leadership.

Understanding "Patiently Impatient"

The "patiently impatient" approach is about having the endurance to wait for long-term results while possessing an urgency to act and move forward with goals. It’s not just a mindset; it's a strategy.

Application in the Workplace

1. Setting Realistic Expectations

While I am always eager to witness the fruits of my labor, I recognize that meaningful contributions often require time to manifest fully. This perspective is vital when laying down the foundation for a project or starting a new initiative. By setting realistic timelines and expectations, we can afford ourselves the patience required to see things through without undue stress.

2. Encouraging Proactivity

Although patience is essential, complacency is the enemy. I've always sought to be proactive in my roles, pushing boundaries and taking initiatives. Whether it’s proposing innovative solutions, streamlining a process, or simply being the first to raise a hand for a new project, this impatience has driven me to be an active contributor rather than a passive participant.

3. Iterative Learning and Quick Pivots

Being impatient in a constructive way means constantly looking for feedback and ways to improve. Instead of waiting for an annual review or the completion of a project, I actively seek interim feedback. This allows for quicker pivots, adjustments, and ensures that the final result is as polished and effective as possible.

The Dual Benefits

1. Professional Growth: This balanced approach has continuously pushed me out of my comfort zone. By being impatient, I've pursued opportunities I might have otherwise overlooked. By being patient, I've allowed myself the time to learn, adapt, and grow from each experience.

2. Organizational Impact: On a broader scale, being "patiently impatient" can foster a culture of resilience and innovation. Teams learn the importance of pacing while also understanding the need for urgency, creating a harmonious blend of thoughtful action and strategic waiting.

In Conclusion

As we navigate the complexities of today’s fast-paced business environment, finding the equilibrium between patience and impatience becomes crucial. While the fruits of success might not be immediate, by adopting a "patiently impatient" approach, we position ourselves, and our organizations, for sustainable and meaningful growth.

Garglize the duality, and you might just find that it propels you further than you ever imagined, even if it means occasionally waiting a little longer to savor the fruits of your efforts.