2 min read

ELI5: Envelope Encryption

ELI5: Envelope Encryption

Imagine you have a secret message (your data) that you want to send to a friend. To keep the message safe, you put it inside an envelope and lock it with a small key. This small key is like a "data key," which is used to encrypt your data.

Now, you don't want to send the locked envelope directly because someone might find the small key and open it. So, you put the locked envelope inside a bigger envelope and lock it with a bigger key. This bigger key is like a "master key," which is used to encrypt the data key.

You send the big locked envelope to your friend, and they unlock it with the bigger key (master key). Once they open it, they find the smaller locked envelope and the small key (data key) inside. Your friend then uses the small key to unlock the smaller envelope and read the secret message (decryption).

In the digital world, envelope encryption is a way to protect sensitive data. The data is encrypted with a data key, and the data key is encrypted with a master key. This adds an extra layer of security, making it more difficult for unauthorized people to access the protected data.

Envelop Encryption Best Practices

  1. Choose strong keys: Like picking a really good lock for your envelopes, use strong and unique encryption keys for both data and master keys. This makes it harder for someone to guess the keys and access your data.
  2. Rotate keys: Imagine changing the locks on your envelopes regularly. By rotating (updating) your encryption keys, you make it harder for someone to break the lock and access your data if they somehow managed to get an old key.
  3. Secure key storage: Keep your keys in a safe place, like a locked box or a trusted key management system. This ensures that only authorized people have access to the keys and can unlock your envelopes.
  4. Separate data and keys: Store your encrypted data and encryption keys in different places, like keeping the locked envelopes in one room and the keys in another. This way, even if someone manages to access one place, they still cannot unlock your data.
  5. Use key hierarchy: Organize your keys in a hierarchy, like having a master key that secures all other keys, and then data keys to encrypt the data. This structure helps manage your keys more efficiently and improves security.
  6. Limit access: Only give the keys to people who really need them. By controlling who can access your keys, you reduce the risk of unauthorized people unlocking your data.
  7. Monitor and audit: Keep an eye on who is using your keys, when they're used, and why. This helps you track any suspicious activity and protect your data more effectively.

By following these best practices, you can make your envelope encryption more secure and protect your data from unauthorized access.